Hathershaw College

Our Vision

Our Vision

Our vision is to:

  • Ensure that all students make outstanding progress irrespective of starting points that are often significantly lower than the national average, and those facing disadvantage are lifted from educational and social poverty 
  • Establish a culture of high expectations, aspirations and optimism in a borough of high deprivation, unemployment and levels of progression to higher education that are below the national average 
  • Provide students with a curriculum that is ambitious offering breadth and depth with an ability to study as many subjects as possible for as long as possible, with an appropriate balance between academic and vocational subjects to inspire and accelerate progress for an intake that is often significantly lower than the national average 
  • Develop independent and self-regulated learners who are confident and resilient 
  • Rapidly improve reading proficiency in order to mitigate against low levels of literacy on entry, high proportions of EAL students and a lack of access to books in the community 
  • Ensure students stay physically and mentally healthy in a community where 1 in 10 children and young people are affected by mental health problems and adults have lower than national life expectancy 
  • Deliver a curriculum that is rich in spiritual, moral, social and cultural experiences, that promotes British values and celebrates the rich diversity of our multi-cultural school community by teaching young people to have tolerance for all faiths and cultures, and those whose characteristics are protected by law 
  • Develop lifelong learners who are adaptable and are able to transfer their skills in order to be employed in occupations or professions which provide opportunities for progression in a 21st Century global economy


The Three Rs


The Three Rs is about adhering to our 3 respect rules (below) which embody the ethos and values of our school and what we strive to achieve. Indeed, they uphold the fundamental British Values of tolerance, mutual respect, the rule of law and freedom. By teaching our students the difference between right and wrong, and our emphasis on self-discipline, we are creating a culture in which each student can thrive and flourish, no matter what their background. 

The Three Rs are about putting our children centre-stage and using the talents of ALL our staff to ensure our students achieve their personal best in both academic and personal development, stretching each child so they achieve their full potential, and more. The Three Rs is embodied in our mission statement, “Together we Succeed”, which informs everything we do. It is about our students becoming well-rounded and happy individuals through teamwork, allowing them to go on and have a positive impact on the community in which they live, long after they have left us. It is about the pride in our school and the partnership between students, staff, parents and the community to achieve their personal best.



  • Wear your uniform properly and with pride
  • Listen carefully and follow instructions
  • Walk calmly around the College and keep to the left on corridors
  • Look after and have pride in your College and its equipment



  • Think before you speak and be polite
  • Keep slang out of the College. Use Standard English
  • Treat others as you would like to be treated
  • Value and celebrate success; your own and that of others


Ready to Learn

  • Come to school every day
  • Be on time to school and lessons
  • Bring the correct equipment, including a pen and your PE kit
  • Take pride in the quality and presentation of your work
  • Complete your homework to a high standard and hand it in on time
  • Prepare and revise for assessments and exams
  • Ask for help if you need it
  • Keep mobile phones switched off and in bags