Keeping your child safe
At Hathershaw, we care about our young people and are determined to provide our pupils with a safe and supportive environment in which they can excel.
Please use the links below to find out the various ways that we can support your child.
Safeguarding Policy
Risks and Signs to look out for
Protecting your child
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- County Lines Guidance
- Radicalisation and Extremism
- E-Safety
- Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Policy
- Anti-Bullying Guide for Parents and Carers
- Social Networking Leaflet
Internal Support
How the School can help your child
- DSL and Deputy DSL
- Pastoral Systems
- School Nurse
- Who to go to for Help
- Counselling
- Youth Mental Health First Aiders at Hathershaw
Other Information
Additional information that may be useful for keeping children safe
- Water Safety
- Domestic Violence Help: NHS
- Domestic Violence Help: Oldham Council
- Live Streaming
- Net Aware Guides
- Oldham Local Safeguarding Children Board
- Online Gaming
- Digital Safety at a Glance for Parents of 11 - 13 Year Olds
- Online Safety Tips for Parents of Teenagers 14+ Years Old
- Sceptre Letter to Parents
Safeguarding Newsletters
External Agencies
Care Card
Emotional Wellbeing Help
Mind Ashton: The Hive
Mind Oldham: Sort It
Parents Digital Safety and Wellbeing Kit