Hathershaw College

Curriculum and Learning

Curriculum & Learning

Welcome to our curriculum!

Curriculum Intent

At The Hathershaw College, in line with our trust vision, mission and values, we have designed our curriculum to transform the life chances of all our students, particularly those from the most disadvantaged backgrounds. We believe in creating a safe and caring school community, with a strong sense of belonging and an inclusive ethos, where all are welcome regardless of their social, economic or academic background.   Our curriculum encompasses more than what is taught in the classroom, providing experiences and opportunities which develop cultural capital and enrich lives.  This includes domestic educational visits, visits overseas, engagement with the Duke of Edinburgh programme at bronze and silver level as well as our engagement with the Comino Foundation.  


We provide a high quality, ambitious, broad and balanced education, that is knowledge rich, but also that develops resilience, confidence and inquisitive minds, recognising that the world is constantly changing and that students need to be able to adapt.  We also want students to understand the multicultural nature of our town and the world around them so that diversity is valued and celebrated.  To support this, religious education and citizenship are taught at both key stages and SMSC is interwoven through the curriculum.  


The teaching of all subjects is carefully thought through and well sequenced, always from a starting point of what excellence looks like in terms of knowledge.  Our curriculum is a five year journey in which key stage 3 covers years 7, 8 and 9, and where key stage 4 provision is restricted to years 10 and 11.  There is a significant choice of subjects at key stage 4, with a range of exciting academic and vocational subjects, with a strong commitment to the English Baccalaureate.  We value the contribution that STEAM subjects make to the curriculum, recognising the importance of analytical, creative and artistic skills required for a rapidly evolving world.  As an example of this, all students are required to study a design and technology related subject at key stage 4.  


We understand the importance of literacy and reading, recognising that this unlocks the potential of all students.  We have robust systems in place to identify those in need of support with their reading and, most importantly, provision in place to strengthen this where required.  


This is a very brief insight into what we do and why we do it, and I would encourage you to spend some time looking through our vibrant curriculum section.  If you wish to know more about any aspect of our curriculum, please contact Mrs Easton, Assistant Principal by email at ae@hathershaw.org.uk 


The Academic Curriculum
Our Curriculum, Subjects, Curriculum Models and Reading Programmes

Our PHSE Curriculum
Health and Well-being, Relationship and Sex Education, British Values and SMSC, SMSC Statement,  UK Parliament Gold Award and Protected Characteristics 

Future Aspirations/Careers At Hathershaw College
Future Aspirations/ Careers, Gateways Programme

Our Enrichment Curriculum
Leadership, Hathershaw Extras, The Oldham Pledge 

Learning Expectations
3Rs: Responsible Respectful and Ready to Learn

 VLE Links